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The Hammond/Leslie Age Determination List |
The Hammond/Leslie Age Determination List
Last updated Sun Jul 6 17:46:34 2014 Version 4.169
Mission Statement
To help determine the manufacturing date of Hammond organs and Leslie
Use this form if you would like to submit your Hammond
Organ for inclusion in these tables. When you hit the "Submit" button you will see a message
advising "Update Successful". Your information will be placed in a holding area for review and added
to the age list after acceptance. To include a Leslie speaker or Hammond Tone Cabinet see the
bottom of this page. Please include an email address so I can contact you if I have a question.
- "How old is my Hammond organ and Leslie speaker?" Read on and you may
learn the answer! Beginning in late 1935 and continuing to mid-1975, the archetypal
instrument we think of when hearing the word "organ" was produced by the
thousands. With a production history covering more than forty years, determining the exact
manufacturing date of tonewheel Hammonds used to be difficult; new models were not introduced every
year and production changes that were made were often subtle.
- Recently, the production data was found and there is no longer any need for guessing. This information is
being compiled, organized and edited into a soon to be released book that details all sorts of production and
manufacturing information, including tables showing serial numbers and their date of production. Some
of the entries on the age list show actual known production dates and can be used as markers to guage the
quality of other entries around them. Until this work is published, the Age List will continue to
function more or less as it has; a quasi-definitive source of this information and a registry of Hammond and
Leslie product owners.
- Thanks to the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) code conveniently placed on them by
the manufacturer, many individual components can be dated to the year and week of
production. Due to Hammond and Leslie purchasing components in large quantities, using
these codes as definitive signposts will not produce an accurate "born on"
date. However, by examining those components as a group one can determine that the
instrument was produced no earlier than the latest date indicated by its component parts.
In general, tubes appear to have had the shortest stock life and speakers the longest.
- Even the above is fraught with some risk, as replacement parts used for repair or
modification will occasionally skew the overall picture. Additionally, some organs have
been pieced together in order to get one working unit out of many; this will produce
inconsistent and unlikely date code ranges. All available information must be taken as a
whole, and, combined with some general tips and observations provided below, a narrow range
of probable production years can be arrived at which in many cases will be accurate enough
for most people's desires.
- One thing to remember in this chronological quest is these instruments were built to be
played, not (in most cases) to become museum pieces. Don't get too hung up on searching
for temporal coordinates to the exclusion of the unit's real purpose as a musical instrument.
- Some of the component parts of Hammonds and Leslies have EIA codes printed on
them. What follows is a breakdown of the more common parts and a description of
their codes. Some specific examples are cited that can be used to provide assistance in
identifying the production date of similar components.
- Many tubes have a date code on them. Tung-Sol 6550 tubes have
the following format: XXXYYWW, where XXX is the EIA manufacturer code, YY is the last two
digits of the year and WW is the number of the week in that year. 3227204 is a Tung-Sol
tube manufactured during the fourth week of 1972. Tung-Sol 6550 tubes made for other
companies (like RCA) have a four-digit date code only. Tubes
with "Hammond" silk screened on them typically have a
code consisting of two pairs of numbers separated by a dash. The format is YY-WW, where YY
is the last two digits of the year and WW is the number of the week in that year.
In the example, 73-48 is the 48th week of 1973.
- Many capacitors have a date code on them, but some do not. Most of the tone
generator wax and Mylar capacitors do,
as well as pre- and power amplifier multi-section can electrolytic
capacitors. The code typically takes the form of YYWW, where YY is the last two
digits of the production year and WW is the production week. 6150 would be the fiftieth week of 1961.
- All of the speakers in Hammond organs, Hammond Tone Cabinets
and Leslie cabinets dating from 1946 forward that I have seen have production date codes
stamped on them. This may also be true for earlier units. The coding scheme
is XXXYWW where XXX is the company EIA code (Jensen = 220, Rola = 285, Heppner = 575), Y
is the last digit of the production year, and WW is the production week. 285642 would
be a Rola speaker made in the 42 week of 19x6 (you have to figure out which decade using
other information). For additional speaker manufacturer codes, see Ted Weber's listing
at Weber Speakers.
- Later Leslie motors have a sticker on them indicating their
manufacturing date. The formula is XXX-YYWW, where XXX is the manufacturer EIA code
(190 indicates General Instrument in the present example), YY is the last two digits of
the year of manufacture, and WW is the week of manufacture. In the example shown,
190-7215 was made in the 15th week of 1972. Earlier Leslie motors have a stamped
four digit code.
Leslie Cabinets
- Inside each Leslie produced after 1956, on the lower baffle, is a date code
(sometimes hidden by the bass speaker). Here's how it works: You have to be able to date
the Leslie within 10 years, which should be fairly easy. Just to get started, 21H's are
1951 to 1958, 22H's are 1958 to 1963, 122/142/147/145's are late 1963 and later. Any other
single speed model (45/47/51) is prior to late 1963. There are a number of visual cues:
anything with a foil CBS ID tag is post 1966, anything with a metal tag is prior to 1966.
The typewritten silver foil tags appeared in the mid to late 70's. The new style Leslie
logo appeared in 1970, and cabinets made after then have particle board baffles rather
than all hardwood construction and are missing the instruction sheet formerly pasted to
the back. The code consists of 4 digits; the first 3 numbers are the Julian date, and the
last digit is the year. For example, model 25 serial #1522 has 1619 stamped on the baffle
identifying it was made on the 161st day of 1959.
Hammond Cabinets and Components
- There are several external features that can provide clues to an organ's age.
Model |
Feature |
Manufacturing Year |
B3/C3 |
Keyboard cheekblocks |
Pre-1960 Wooden; 1960 and later plastic. |
C and D models |
Quatrefoil |
1939 - 1958 |
A/A100/B/C/RT models |
Non-fluted vibrato knob
Fluted vibrato knob |
1946 - 1961
1962 and later |
A/A100/B/C/D/E/RT models |
Small Hammond Script
Large Hammond Script |
1935 - 1965
1965 - 1969 |
B/C/RT models |
Non-ratchet drawbars |
Continous contact late-1953 and later |
A100/B3/C3/RT3 |
No Pilot lamp
Pilot lamp |
1954 - 1960
1961 and later |
A100/B3/C3/D100/RT3 |
AO-28 transformer color |
Up to mid-1962 silver; mid-1962 and later black |
A100/B/C/D/RT models |
Vibrato line box frame |
Silver wooden: pre-1956. Black wooden: 1956-1957.
Metal: 1958 and later (and all A-100 series as well). |
A100/B3/C3/RT3 |
Generator RC networks |
1965 and later |
A100/B3/C3/RT3 |
Non-engraved drawbars
Engraved drawbars |
1934 - 1968
1969 and later |
A100 |
Necklace reverb |
1959 to 1960 |
Below is a compilation of Hammond organ serial numbers
and dates submitted by owners and other interested folks. There are discrepancies here,
so be prepared for some imprecision; it should get you within a year or two when combined
with the information above. Since I can't independently verify the
information provided this seems to be the best we can do.
Note: Organs produced after 1968 had a letter prefix
code in the serial number: A=1969, B=1970, C=1971, D=1972, E=1973. Sometime in mid-1973,
in the mid-200000's, Hammond dropped the prefix letter. this means half the organs built
in '73 and all '74/'75 organs have no letter code. Serial numbers began to take
on a surreal quality at this time, with higher serial numbers not necessarily representing newer units.
For example, A-xxxxx = 1969, B-(x)xxxxx = 1970, C-xxxxxx = 1971, D-xxxxxx = 1972, E-xxxxxx = 1973.
Organs previously in the Age List falling in the prefix group have been removed
since they readily admit their age.
Notes: Models produced in other countries had a different serial number system.
Confidence Level is an arbitrary rating from 0 to 100. 33 indicates wild guess, paper documentation
bill of sale, etc.; 66 indicates matching by using cabinet features list; 100 indicates looking at date
codes and cabinet features.
Units are located in the United States unless otherwise indicated.
Model A
(Manufactured from June 1935 through October 1938)
Model BC
(Manufactured from December 1936 through November 1942)
Model D
(Manufactured from June 1939 through November 1942)
Model E
(Manufactured from July 1937 through July 1942)
Model G
(Manufactured from June 1941 through November 1944)
Serial Number |
Year |
Confidence Level |
Owner Contact Info |
4103 |
1942 |
100 |
Ron Vreeland |
4457 |
1943 |
33 |
Rick Prevallet |
Model H (Novachord)
(Manufactured from ? through ?)
Model BV
(Manufactured from October 1945 through December 1949
Model CV
(Manufactured from October 1945 through December 1949)
Model B2
(Manufactured from December 1949 through December 1954)
Model B3
(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1975)
Model C2
(Manufactured from December 1949 through December 1954)
Model C3
(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1975)
Serial Number |
Year |
Confidence Level |
Owner Contact Info |
56051 |
1954 |
66 |
John Pappenfort |
56072 |
1954 |
100 |
Juan Carlos Ontoria |
56332 |
1955 |
100 |
Greg Black |
56804 |
1955 |
100 |
Tim Tobias |
56867 |
1955 |
66 |
tschette |
56879 |
1955 |
100 |
Bob Bergford |
57207 |
1955 |
100 |
greg black |
57297 |
1955 |
100 |
Gary Dow |
57567 |
1957 |
100 |
Ursula Prinz |
57647 |
1955 |
100 |
Russ Colombo |
57796 |
1955 |
100 |
Jack Levy |
57916 |
1955 |
100 |
Axel Heim |
58133 |
1955 |
100 |
Sparks Foursquare Church |
58288 |
1955 |
100 |
Cliff Conradt |
58314 |
1955 |
66 |
Chris Thomas |
58332 |
1955 |
100 |
Rising Star Baptist Griffin GA |
58439 |
1955 |
100 |
Steve Schwartz |
58587 |
1955 |
100 |
Dave Cordes |
58589 |
1955 |
66 |
Bruce Schaefer |
58634 |
1955 |
100 |
Robert Tanner |
58798 |
1955 |
100 |
greg black |
59229 |
1956 |
66 |
Rick Prevallet |
59235 |
1956 |
100 |
Junior Botha |
59649 |
1956 |
33 |
Martini |
59659 |
1956 |
33 |
Marco Parisi (Chop) |
59690 |
1956 |
100 |
Ron Racine |
59720 |
1955 |
100 |
Al Gamble |
59784 |
1956 |
66 |
Rick Gould |
59842 |
1956 |
33 |
B Chad |
59908 |
1955 |
100 |
Greg Triplett |
59953 |
1957 |
100 |
Vik Cassis |
59981 |
1956 |
66 |
Steven Roberts |
60031 |
1956 |
66 |
Joe Rezzo |
60051 |
1956 |
100 |
Terje Haugom (NO) |
60159 |
1955 |
66 |
Michael |
60164 |
1956 |
33 |
Gabor Szepesi |
60221 |
1955 |
100 |
George Kent |
60318 |
1955 |
66 |
Edgar P. Barbera, III |
60588 |
1956 |
100 |
Guilherme Arantes |
60693 |
1956 |
33 |
Tony Bryson |
60786 |
1956 |
100 |
Dan Skittlethorp |
60826 |
1956 |
66 |
Roberta Howard |
61297 |
1956 |
66 |
Joan Isenberger |
61734 |
1957 |
66 |
Alan Quilley |
61892 |
1957 |
66 |
Bob O. |
62013 |
1956 |
66 |
Mike Vandemark |
62127 |
1956 |
33 |
Karl Frick |
62535 |
1956 |
100 |
Patrick Mucha |
62860 |
1956 |
100 |
Jeff Richards |
62892 |
1956 |
66 |
John Saxe |
62906 |
1956 |
100 |
John McCollum |
62932 |
1956 |
100 |
Rick Prevallet |
62956 |
1956 |
66 |
Robert Ranes |
62970 |
1956 |
33 |
Graham Dicker (AU) |
63261 |
1956 |
33 |
Harry Owens |
63274 |
1957 |
100 |
Edward R. Castillo |
63459 |
1956 |
100 |
Pedro Rodriguez |
63597 |
1956 |
33 |
Rich Wenzel |
64093 |
1957 |
100 |
Brian Ford M.D. |
64121 |
1956 |
66 |
Bill Butler-Indianapolis |
64231 |
1957 |
100 |
Thomas Swick |
64255 |
1957 |
33 |
Sueli Cajeron (Brazil) |
64737 |
1957 |
33 |
Kari Niittymäk |
64765 |
1957 |
100 |
W. Cottrell |
64794 |
1957 |
100 |
john mcgerigle |
64915 |
1957 |
33 |
Dallas Kruse |
65109 |
1957 |
100 |
Jack F. Badon |
65109 |
1957 |
100 |
Jack F. Badon |
65165 |
1957 |
66 |
Spiritual Life Church |
65443 |
1957 |
33 |
Wolfgang Deffner |
65709 |
1957 |
100 |
greg black |
66196 |
1957 |
100 |
Ian Wayne |
66253 |
1957 |
66 |
Jocelyn Bouchard |
66261 |
1957 |
100 |
JP Lavergne |
66341 |
1956 |
100 |
Scott hawthorn |
66435 |
1957 |
100 |
Mike Kahrs |
67224 |
1957 |
100 |
Dale Ferrell |
67235 |
1957 |
100 |
Jacob Tipton |
67308 |
1957 |
66 |
Tobias |
68721 |
1957 |
100 |
mike |
68721 |
1957 |
100 |
Mike in IN |
68733 |
1957 |
100 |
Gigi Scagnelli (Italy) |
69433 |
1957 |
100 |
Bill Sancimino |
69610 |
1957 |
33 |
Vincent Grippe |
69935 |
1957 |
100 |
George Izquierdo |
70050 |
1957 |
100 |
Pete Cage |
70193 |
1958 |
33 |
Trinity A/G Church Balto. |
70234 |
1957 |
66 |
Dorian Corrales |
70286 |
1959 |
100 |
Robert Sorheim (Norway) |
70298 |
1958 |
33 |
Betty McComas (Blonde) |
70305 |
1958 |
33 |
John Lynch |
70332 |
1958 |
100 |
Sal Azzarelli |
70338 |
1958 |
100 |
Peter Taft |
70409 |
1958 |
66 |
Bill Llewellyn |
70504 |
1958 |
100 |
Jeff Stapleton (Canada) |
71241 |
1958 |
66 |
Chris Thomas |
71393 |
1958 |
100 |
Ben Groseclose |
71656 |
1958 |
100 |
John Freund |
71716 |
1958 |
100 |
Curt Vincent |
71996 |
1958 |
100 |
Calvin James |
72023 |
1958 |
100 |
Rick Prevallet |
72029 |
1958 |
100 |
Apostolic Church of Promise, MACON GA |
72129 |
1958 |
100 |
Rick Prevallet |
72242 |
1958 |
66 |
Paul Kemp |
72278 |
1958 |
100 |
Michael Alan Zeuch |
72451 |
1958 |
33 |
Michael Medaris |
72473 |
1960 |
33 |
Ken Davis |
72753 |
1958 |
100 |
Brian M. Eastburn |
72834 |
1958 |
100 |
Steve Restivo |
72985 |
1958 |
33 |
Karl Frick |
73049 |
1958 |
100 |
Jason H. Richard |
73588 |
1958 |
100 |
Ed Greany |
73681 |
1958 |
33 |
Bruce Kehret |
73975 |
1958 |
100 |
Apostolic Holiness |
74128 |
1958 |
100 |
74462 |
1958 |
100 |
Matti Kari (Finland) |
74505 |
1958 |
100 |
Paul Potyen |
74700 |
1958 |
100 |
Mt Zion Apostollic-Indy |
75012 |
1958 |
66 |
James Damask |
75023 |
1958 |
100 |
Al Pratt |
75372 |
1958 |
66 |
Jim Pigott |
75455 |
1958 |
66 |
John W .F. Goode |
75521 |
1958 |
100 |
75861 |
1958 |
100 |
JP and Dylan White |
75921 |
1958 |
100 |
Morton High School |
76757 |
1958 |
66 |
Gianluca Sabbi |
76871 |
1958 |
66 |
Stefano Vicarelli |
76886 |
1959 |
100 |
Bob Coleman |
77116 |
1958 |
33 |
Tom Clement |
77161 |
1958 |
100 |
cnesstech |
77567 |
1958 |
100 |
Scott Seufert |
77587 |
1958 |
100 |
Rodney Weed |
78531 |
1958 |
33 |
Don O'Cain |
78667 |
1958 |
100 |
troletti stefano (italy) |
78690 |
1958 |
100 |
Matt Dietrich |
78714 |
1958 |
100 |
Amy Frederick |
78922 |
1958 |
100 |
greg black |
78949 |
1958 |
66 |
Chris Teague |
78950 |
1958 |
100 |
Dennis Delzer |
78966 |
1958 |
100 |
Sam O Scott |
79321 |
1958 |
100 |
Claudio Tambussi (Italy) |
79355 |
1958 |
66 |
Jack Barakitis |
79362 |
1959 |
100 |
Tim Holloran |
79749 |
1958 |
33 |
Rick Prevallet |
79761 |
1958 |
100 |
Holger Pagenkopf |
79920 |
1958 |
33 |
Gary Allsebrook |
80214 |
1959 |
33 |
Doug Bennett |
80264 |
1959 |
100 |
Tom Stanford |
80735 |
1959 |
66 |
John Hodgkinson |
80757 |
1959 |
100 |
David/Deborah Boyd |
80762 |
1959 |
66 |
Carl Cimino |
80976 |
1960 |
66 |
Tom Kjos |
81211 |
1960 |
66 |
Gabor Szepesi |
81451 |
1959 |
66 |
Mike in IN |
81460 |
1959 |
100 |
Greg Black |
81496 |
1959 |
100 |
Roberto Lughi |
81522 |
1959 |
100 |
Fernando Costa |
81542 |
1960 |
100 |
greg black |
81662 |
1959 |
100 |
Erik Larson |
82153 |
1958 |
66 |
Dallas Kruse |
82312 |
1959 |
100 |
Pierre-Luc VALLET |
82595 |
1959 |
33 |
Minister Demetra Davis |
82673 |
1959 |
33 |
Michael Medaris |
83017 |
1960 |
66 |
M Sarad |
83094 |
1960 |
66 |
Chris Heller |
83101 |
1960 |
100 |
Thomas Sheaks |
83126 |
1960 |
33 |
Rick Ackman |
83200 |
1960 |
66 |
Joe Franett |
83645 |
1960 |
100 |
Tim Petit |
83681 |
1960 |
100 |
Russ Colombo (Blonde) |
83995 |
1961 |
33 |
Ken Soper |
84030 |
1964 |
33 |
Eric Torgerson |
84099 |
1960 |
100 |
Starlight Temple Eastman GA |
84099 |
1960 |
100 |
Starlight Temple Eastman GA |
84481 |
1960 |
66 |
HeyPlink@aol.com |
84969 |
1961 |
33 |
Ben McCree |
84977 |
1961 |
100 |
Geoffrey Dairiki |
85039 |
1961 |
100 |
New Lambton Church AU |
85061 |
1961 |
33 |
Mark Slade (Ireland) |
85080 |
1961 |
100 |
Steve Beach |
85244 |
1961 |
100 |
Crighton Goodwill |
85643 |
1961 |
33 |
Dave Barraclough (UK) |
85709 |
1961 |
100 |
Ned Lucas |
85827 |
1961 |
33 |
Robert McCarthy |
85828 |
1961 |
66 |
Robert Hudson |
86184 |
1961 |
66 |
Anders Oskal |
86187 |
1961 |
33 |
Leen Groenewegen (NL) |
86194 |
1961 |
100 |
Pete Macmillen |
86198 |
1960 |
66 |
Olaf Schjelderup |
86521 |
1962 |
33 |
Rovert Sandvik (SW) |
86588 |
1962 |
66 |
Michael Leik |
86667 |
1962 |
100 |
Bayview Baptist |
86688 |
1962 |
100 |
Mati Vaarmann |
87101 |
1960 |
100 |
New Era University, Philippines |
87213 |
1962 |
33 |
Holger (Germany) |
87237 |
1962 |
100 |
Larry B LeBoeuf, Canada |
87399 |
1958 |
66 |
Greg Black |
87457 |
1962 |
100 |
Rick Prevallet |
87721 |
1962 |
100 |
Yannick Dutreuil |
87823 |
1962 |
100 |
Damon Hearne |
88478 |
1962 |
100 |
? |
88481 |
1962 |
100 |
Giuseppe Ravaglia (Italy) |
88966 |
1962 |
33 |
Alan Reddig |
89035 |
1962 |
33 |
Charles Reid, Jr. (Blonde) |
89060 |
1962 |
100 |
Bob Hillis |
89104 |
1962 |
100 |
Kon Zissis |
89131 |
1962 |
66 |
Jesse Deane-Freeman |
89452 |
1962 |
100 |
BigAl (Berlin, Germany) |
89483 |
1962 |
80 |
Dave Bentley |
89605 |
1963 |
100 |
Clemente Ferrari (Italy) |
89617 |
1963 |
33 |
Matthew Fisher (UK) |
89618 |
1963 |
100 |
Edoardo Fagiano (Italy) |
89621 |
1963 |
100 |
Amanda Hambidge |
89640 |
1964 |
100 |
Frank Ziegler 50Hz |
89822 |
1963 |
33 |
Chris Monlux |
89858 |
1963 |
100 |
Scott Crow |
90046 |
1963 |
100 |
Steven Roberts |
90219 |
1963 |
100 |
Saron moravian church |
90263 |
1963 |
100 |
Frank McGing (Ireland) |
90278 |
1963 |
100 |
Ian Jackson |
90287 |
1963 |
100 |
Alex Atzori |
90464 |
1963 |
100 |
Second Baptist-Kokomo,Ind |
90466 |
1963 |
100 |
Ken Lovern |
90470 |
1963 |
100 |
flo kaufmann |
90508 |
1963 |
100 |
Marlin Martindale |
90752 |
1963 |
100 |
Daniel Vigin |
90813 |
1963 |
100 |
Tim Rinkerman |
91564 |
1963 |
100 |
Roger A. Prior, Jr. |
91593 |
1964 |
100 |
red young |
91661 |
1963 |
100 |
Ron Summerhill |
91683 |
1963 |
100 |
Matt Daniel |
91728 |
1963 |
100 |
Keith Burberry |
91754 |
1963 |
100 |
Tom Frei |
91821 |
1963 |
100 |
greg black |
91902 |
1963 |
100 |
Rick Prevallet |
91924 |
1963 |
100 |
Massimo Cappello |
92243 |
1964 |
66 |
Gianfranco MATERA |
92645 |
1964 |
66 |
Tiny Ives (UK) |
92760 |
1964 |
100 |
Sal Azzarelli |
92896 |
1964 |
100 |
Shawn Ball |
92896 |
1964 |
100 |
Shawn Ball |
92905 |
1964 |
100 |
Sal Azzarelli |
93236 |
1964 |
100 |
93495 |
1964 |
100 |
First UPC Savannah GA |
93564 |
1964 |
100 |
Lars Hyldmo |
93752 |
1964 |
100 |
Tim Holloran |
93791 |
1968 |
100 |
A. B. Bonds |
93847 |
1964 |
33 |
94282 |
1966 |
66 |
Terry Steiden |
94347 |
1966 |
100 |
Massimo Manconi |
94489 |
1966 |
100 |
L. Arntzen |
94520 |
1966 |
100 |
Branislav Bane Bozinovic |
94521 |
1966 |
33 |
Peter King (UK) |
94533 |
1965 |
66 |
Bevis Peters (UK) |
94558 |
1964 |
100 |
Frank Ziegler 50Hz |
94607 |
1965 |
100 |
94787 |
1968 |
100 |
Gordon Stringer (NZ) |
94932 |
1967 |
100 |
mike venditte |
95237 |
1965 |
66 |
Kon Zissis |
95242 |
1965 |
100 |
Marty Tullemans |
95450 |
1965 |
66 |
Clarence Madden |
95517 |
1965 |
100 |
Brantham Baptist, Savannah GA |
96287 |
1966 |
100 |
Local Church |
96403 |
1966 |
100 |
Rob Aronstein |
96616 |
1967 |
33 |
David Cross |
96630 |
1966 |
100 |
Adam Burrell |
96650 |
1966 |
100 |
Dave Bentley |
96652 |
1966 |
100 |
Peter Barratt AU |
96657 |
1966 |
100 |
Kev Conlon (UK) |
96866 |
1968 |
100 |
A. B. Bonds |
97131 |
1968 |
100 |
A. B. Bonds |
97235 |
1968 |
100 |
Dr. Arthur D. Kemp |
97261 |
1968 |
100 |
Word Aflame Tabernacle, MACON GA |
97298 |
1968 |
100 |
Chris Randall |
97298 |
1968 |
100 |
Melville Ross Evelyn |
97316 |
1968 |
33 |
pp |
97326 |
1968 |
100 |
Panos Politis |
97526 |
1967 |
66 |
Duane Palmore |
97606 |
1968 |
100 |
Steve Duck |
97640 |
1967 |
100 |
Tim Moody (UK) |
97808 |
1968 |
66 |
John Reed |
97925 |
1968 |
100 |
Harald Neymanns |
98157 |
1968 |
33 |
Rick Prevallet |
98215 |
1968 |
33 |
John Clark McCall, Jr. |
98376 |
1968 |
100 |
Frank Obertop |
98392 |
1968 |
66 |
Alessandro Pozzi |
99397 |
1968 |
66 |
Clasu Strengell (Finland) |
100055 |
1968 |
66 |
Neil Smallman (UK) |
100446 |
1968 |
66 |
John Keating |
100833 |
1968 |
100 |
Giuseppe Ravaglia (Italy) |
101067 |
1969 |
66 |
Steven Wren |
101403 |
1969 |
100 |
Unknown (February, 1969) |
155638 |
1972 |
100 |
CARIOU Patrick |
166619 |
1973 |
66 |
central baptist fort valley ga |
176247 |
1973 |
66 |
Powerhouse of Faith Waycross, GA |
206589 |
1973 |
66 |
Daniel van Loggerenberg |
228170 |
1973 |
100 |
Overcoming HCOG Macon GA |
236835 |
1973 |
100 |
John Lennon (Yes, that one) |
238251 |
1973 |
100 |
L. Arntzen |
238251 |
1973 |
100 |
Yngve Berg |
312127 |
1974 |
66 |
Norman P. Hartendorp |
390602 |
1975 |
33 |
Dr. Arthur D. Kemp |
450921 |
1974 |
100 |
Dan Fowler |
450931 |
1974 |
100 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Macon GA |
451048 |
1973 |
100 |
Joshua Derque |
451145 |
1975 |
33 |
Frank Scales |
451213 |
1974 |
66 |
New Bethel Baptist MACON GA |
Model D100
(Manufactured from July 1963 through September 1969)
Model RT
(Manufactured from July 1949 through September 1949)
Model RT2
(Manufactured from November 1949 through January 1955)
Model RT3
(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1974)
Model A100 Series
(Manufactured from ~1959 through 1965)
Note: Model A105 continued to be
manufactured until January/February 1975.
Note: Around serial number 20000, Hammond assigned a block of serial numbers to the decorator cabinets in the
A-100 series (A-101/102/105/122/143 etc.). This has caused owners to wrongly attribute the age of their
instrument when based solely on the serial number, and consequently, many of the serial numbers reflected in the age
list for this group are probably in error. If your unit has a serial number in the 20000 to 30000 range you
must check date codes to get an accurate reading of its production date. Serial numbers after 30000 were reserved
for A-100 models only. When Hammond used up the decorator block of numbers they were reintegrated into the pool of
general A-100 numbers.
Model E100
(Manufactured from June, 1965 through September, 1969)
Model E300
(Manufactured from June, 1965 through September, 1969)
Model G100
(Manufactured from February 1964 through July 1967)
Model H100
(Manufactured from October, 1965 through 19??)
Model L100 Series
(Manufactured from September, 1961 through 1970)
Model L200 Series
(Manufactured from 196? through 19??)
Serial Number |
Year |
Confidence Level |
Owner Contact Info |
Model M
(Manufactured from November, 1949 through December, 1949)
Model M2
(Manufactured from November, 1951 through January, 1955)
Model M3
(Manufactured from January, 1955 through January, 1964)
Model M100 Series
(Manufactured from August, 1961 through January, 1968)
Model S Series
((Manufactured from March, 1950 through December, 1966))
Model T Series
(Manufactured from March, 1968 through 19??)
Model X5
(Manufactured from 1975 through 1978)
Model X66
(Manufactured from May 1967 through 19??)
Much of the component dating information contained here
was supplied by Sal Azzarelli (Azztec Organs).
Other contributors include Al Goff (Goff Professional), Harvey Olsen, and Bob Schleicher (Electronic
Instrument Service). Thanks also is due to Bevis Peters and Tom Ericsson for
previously administering this page.
Don Erickson performed the programming that automates the input
of organ serial numbers, as well as the behind the scenes code that places the serial numbers into a
MySQL database and figures out which records go with which organ model.
For more information on Hammond organs, there are two
mailing lists offering discussion and insight. To subscribe, click on the following
links: The Hammond Forum and The Hammond List.
This page is maintained by Rick Prevallet. If you would like to submit a
Leslie speaker or Hammond Tone Cabinet for inclusion in the list, or have any
questions, comments or suggestions drop me a message. Links to other Hammond
content can be found at the Tonewheel General Hospital.
©1998 - 2025 Prevailing Winds Technology, Inc.