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Hammond Organ Parts : Playing Keys

Number of Items found: 7

Waterfall Key - Octave set
Experienced waterfall playing keys for later BV/CV/RT, B-2/C-2/RT-2, B-3/C-3/RT-3/A-100 series/D-100 series and M/M-2/M-3 organs.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
WKOWaterfall Key - Octave setStocked2.1$35.00$35.00

Waterfall Key Cx
Experienced waterfall Cx key for B/C-2, B/C-3, A-100 series and M/M-2/M-3 series organs .
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
WKCx Waterfall Key CxStocked0.5$5.00$5.00

Waterfall Key- Individual key
Experienced individual waterfall keys. Please indicate desired key (A, B, C, etc.) in the order form`s comment section. No "D" natural keys available at this time.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
WKIWaterfall Key- Individual keyStocked0.5$7.00$7.00

Waterfall Preset Key - Individual key
Experienced individual waterfall preset keys. Please indicate desired key (A, B, C, etc.) in the order form comment section. Keys do not have stop labels attached.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
WKPS Waterfall Preset Key - Individual keyStocked0.9$10.00$10.00

Diving Board Key Individual
Experienced individual diving board keys for Hammond Porta-B, H-series, L-series, M-100 series, T-series, X-77 and other models. Note: No C, E or F naturals right now.
Please note that the material from which these keys are made tends to yellow over time, so a color match with your keys is possible but unlikely. Please indicate desired key (A, B, D, etc.) and color preference in the order form comment section.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
DKIDiving Board Key IndividualStocked0.5$7.00$7.00

Diving Board Key Cx
Experienced high C diving board key for Hammond Porta-B, H-series, L-100, M-100 series, T-series, X-77 and other models.
Please note that the material from which these keys are made from tends to yellow over time, however, we are able to acquire small numbers of ivory colored keys on occasion. Please indicate desired key (A, B, C, etc.) and color preference in the order form's comment section.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
DKCxDiving Board Key CxStocked0.2$7.00$7.00

Diving Board Preset Key- Individual key
Experienced individual diving board embossed preset keys for X-66/77, E and H series organs. Please indicate the embossed stop name in the order form comment section.
ItemDescriptionStatusShip WeightList PriceYour PriceQuantityGurney
DKPS Diving Board Preset Key- Individual keyStocked0.9$10.00$10.00

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